Florida Championship Wrestling 11/27 Results!
Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik:
(1) Johnny Curtis defeated Tommy Taylor.
(2) Derick Linkin (w/the Bella Twins) defeated Ichiban (w/Mr. Yamamoto).
(3) G-Rilla, Kevin Kiley & “Super Fan” Chet Douglas defeated Jake Hager, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne & “Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee.
(4) Steve Lewington defeated Sheamus.
(5) Rycklon & “Rapid” Robert Anthony defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. & “the Natural” Nick Nemeth (w/Big Rob).
(6) Billy Kidman defeated Hade Vansen (w/ “Handsome” Heath Miller) via DQ.
(7) Kofi Kingston defeated FCW Southern Heavyweight champion Afa Jr. via DQ.
After taking the week off with WWE Smackdown visiting Tampa, Florida Championship Wrestling resumed it’s standing Tuesday night date at Bourbon Street Night Club, 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey.
(1) Johnny Curtis defeated Tommy Taylor.
Things began with some sportsmanship and chain wrestling but that ended when Taylor looked like he was going to break clean, but punched and then poked Curtis in the eye and attacked the left knee. Taylor went to work dissecting Curtis’ left knee with a variety of holds but couldn’t get the submission. In fact Curtis kicked out of a hold and it sent Taylor into a corner chest first. The two men traded two count pin attempts but Curtis got a forward roll that Taylor couldn’t kick out of.
(2) Derick Linkin (w/the Bella Twins) defeated Ichiban (w/Mr. Yamamoto).
Yamamoto addressed the crowd in Japanese and then took out some ceremonial salt to bless the surroundings as Linkin paced in the corner. Ichiban had some trouble in the opening minutes as Linkin kept taking him down to the mat with armdrags and hiptosses. That ended when Ichiban hit a chop to the throat but all that did was tick Linkin off. The referee backed Linkin out of a corner and this allowed Ichiban to pick up some of salt residue that he used to rub into Linkin’s eyes. Ichiban used a variety of holds; legal and illegal, to wear Linkin down as the Bella’s got the crowd cheering for Linkin. Things went bad for Ichiban when he missed a rope move as Linkin was nowhere to be found. This allowed Linkin to get a second wind with a series of moves as Yamamoto argued the referee’s count was fast. Ichiban went for a savate kick but Linkin blocked it and won with a Rude Awakening.
“Handsome” Heath Miller made his way to the ring for his weekly Happy Hour session where he talks all about…well himself. Actually he did have a guest Hade Vansen who talked about working in America for FCW. Vansen spent several moments mocking American customs and kept saying the venue smelled like a farm. The topic then went to their female conquests before Miller’s opponent from two weeks ago Billy Kidman was addressed. Miller began throwing insults at Kidman who had enough and came to the ring to confront Miller. Kidman reminded the people and Miller that he did win two weeks ago, but he needed help to do it. To shut the duo up, Kidman issued a challenge to both men to face him in the ring. Vansen accepted saying, “Anything Heath can do, Hade can do better!”
(3) G-Rilla, Kevin Kiley & “Super Fan” Chet Douglas defeated Jake Hager, “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne & “Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee.
G-Rilla and Osborne began the match with some trash talking before actually locking up but Osborne opted to let Hager start for his team. Both men went to lock up but opted to strut their wares for the ringside fans. When they did lock up G-Rilla controlled it with power moves before bringing in Douglas who was pumped up as usual. But Hager countered out of a headlock and tagged in Bowdee who ran right into an armlock that allowed Kiley to tag in for his team. But Kiley was too occupied with getting his hands on Osborne and it cost him as a distraction allowed Osborne to trip up Kiley from the floor. That one move allowed Osborne and pals to beat down Kiley for several minutes using legal and illegal holds, using Kiley’s partners as a way to get the referee away from the violence. But G-Rilla saved Kiley from a Bowdee corner splash and it allowed Douglas to tag in and bring the pain including Hogan legdrop but all six men got involved with Hager, Bowdee and Osborne getting corner splashed by G-Rilla. Douglas finished the match off by hitting Osborne with the Stone Cold Stunner and celebrating with the fans.
(4) Steve Lewington defeated Sheamus.
This all-British Isle affair was hard hitting from the opening bell with both men trying to get control quick. Lewington went to work on Sheamus’ left arm before being victim to a test of strength. Lewington fought up from his knees and hit Sheamus with a dropkick but he got hit with a kick to the stomach. Sheamus went for a move but Lewington countered into a head scissor for two. Sheamus went to the apron to grab his battle axe but ended up hitting Lewington with a Hot Shot. This allowed Sheamus to attack Lewington’s massive neck with a vise submission hold and a chokes using the ropes for leverage. Lewington fought back with forearms to the Irishman’s face and back suplex for two. Lewington’s second rope flying elbow also got two and a half with the fans thinking the match was over. But it continued as Sheamus tried to get the win with a spinning battle axe shot but Lewington ducked and won with what looked like a belly to belly suplex.
(5) Rycklon & “Rapid” Robert Anthony defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. & “the Natural” Nick Nemeth (w/Big Rob).
After claming he was the reason a certain famous couple was getting divorced, Nemeth hid behind his bodyguard when his opponents hit the ring. Actually he did decide to wrestle but if you call running from Anthony on every lock up attempt wrestling, then that’s what Nemeth did. When he did lock up with Anthony and Rycklon, Nemeth screamed his head off in pain from armlocks. Nemeth was able to get some distance and tag in DiBiase who was slammed to the mat by Rycklon. Rycklon went for the win by press slamming his partner into DiBiase for a two count. But the offense ended as Anthony got too close to his opponent’s corner and he was decked with punches. Nemeth and DiBiase made several well timed tags wearing down Anthony but couldn’t get the pin or submission. They used anything legal and illegal they could but it wasn’t enough as Nemeth missed a top rope leg drop. This allowed Anthony to hit a back cracker as DiBiase and Rycklon bailed on the floor. Chris Gray tried to save Nemeth from tapping out to a Texas Cloverleaf but Bryan Kelly came out and attacked Gray. Nemeth fought out of the hold as the referee was occupied with the fighting on the floor. Nemeth went to confront Kelly for interfering in his match and got tattooed with a punch loaded with brass knuckles that allowed Anthony to get the pinfall for his team.
(6) Billy Kidman defeated Hade Vansen (w/ “Handsome” Heath Miller) via DQ.
Before the bell even rang Miller tried to trip up Kidman which caused the referee to eject Miller from ringside. Whatever plan Vansen might have had went out the window and he had to make it up on the fly as Kidman kept Vansen on the mat with chain wrestling holds. Vansen bailed to the floor for a new plan but Kidman went up top only to be too slow as Vansen caught him and dropkicked him to the floor. Vansen went to work on Kidman’s back sending him into the ring apron and the sound booth wall before returning to the ring. Vansen kept on the back and added several shots to the neck for good measure as he talked the Queen’s English to his opponent. Kidman fought out of a chinlock but missed a second rope body block which allowed Vansen to hit an Exploder for two. Vansen went back to the chinlock but Kidman fought to his feet once more. This time Vansen was backed into a corner and rolled forward allowing Kidman to hit an enziguri but he couldn’t follow with a cover. Both men laid in the chest chops but Kidman hit an atomic drop and a lariat for two. But Vansen fought back with a running knee and a lariat of his own for two. Kidman countered out of a hold into a gusbuster but got two. The referee went to check on Vansen and this allowed Heath Miller a chance to come back in and hit Kidman with a DDT. Vansen got two and the referee argued with Miller for being at ringside. This caused trouble for all parties as Kidman ducked a move and Vansen crashed into Miller. Kidman went to win with the Shooting Star Press but Miller tripped him on the top causing the referee to call for the DQ. Miller got in the ring and attacked Kidman with some help from Vansen but that was broken up by Johnny Curtis who had a chair to even up the sides. But Miller and Vansen thought better and decided to fight another day.
(7) Kofi Kingston defeated FCW Southern Heavyweight champion Afa Jr. via DQ.
Afa’s mind must have been elsewhere because Kingston kicked his ass around the ring in the opening minutes of the match. But that ended when a ten punch count in the corner was countered by Afa with a modified snake eyes. Afa proceeded to attack Kingston’s neck with a series of moves that got him several two counts. Afa went for a power bomb but Kingston blocked it, so Afa switched and went for a neck nerve hold. But Kingston fought out only to be picked up for the power bomb once more or so Afa thought as Kingston countered into a backdrop. Kingston fought back with punches and kicks trying to wear the champion down, even hitting his finishing double legdrop to the chest but Afa fought out. Afa countered a cross body block and got two even using the tights. This caused Afa to slide out of the ring and pick up the title belt, singaling he had enough of the Jamaican but it was all a ruse as Afa tossed a chair into the ring. Kingston went to pick it up and the referee stopped him. As the referee went to put the chair on the floor, Afa hit Kingston with the title belt causing the DQ from the referee. But Afa wasn’t finished bringing folding chairs and a ten foot ladder into the ring. Afa laid Kingston on the chairs and climbed up top ready to land. But TJ Wilson came out to defend his friend. Afa came down and confronted Wilson about the interference. Wilson said that if Afa wanted to play with ladders he challenged Afa to a ladder match this Saturday night for the FCW Southern championship!
Don’t forget FCW will be holding a show this Saturday night at the Jewish Community Center, 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey. Tickets are $10 and funds raised will go to the Salvation Army. Belltime in 8pm.
Remember each and every Tuesday you can see the future of wrestling, Florida Championship Wrestling, the developmental territory of WWE. Log onto www.fcwwrestling.com for more information.