WRESTLEMANIA 24 Press Conference Live In Canada Right Now - Update
Courtesy of Adam Lebow:
3 things
1st - Sort of a correction, it appears as if The Coach and Mike Adamle are both hosting, as both are sitting on the stage, and Mike Adamle introduced Shane McMahon, who right now is doing an intro for Mayweather, who is getting booed out of the place and wearing Yankee gear.
2nd - During the Candice Michelle/Maria part, Candice said today is Maria's birthday, and had the crowd sing happy birthday.
3rd - Seating order in the back - Mike Adamle - Coach - Maria - Cena on one side, and HHH, Edge and Orton on the other. In the front, Mysterio in the front left, and on the front right Shane McMahon and Candice.