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Thank You, Axl Rotten (And R.I.P.)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OFFICIAL Statement Regarding PTW Wrestling, Sat 31st May, Stevenage

Courtesy of Power Trip Wrestling's Peter Staniforth:

In an example of how a show title can be amazingly ironic, it's my duty to let you know that Power Trip Wrestling - "Against The World", on Saturday 31st May 2008, has had to be cancelled late due to a legal complication that was neither the fault of ourselves or our friends at Marriott's School.

We are looking to re-arrange a show there in the immediate future, on rectification of the situation, and will announce on our official PTW Website (www.powertripwrestling.co.uk) and all of the wrestling news websites that are kind enough to print our press releases; the re-arranged date.

PTW has always lead a loud and unpredictable life, in the 15 months we've been running shows. We're not your typical British wrestling promotion, we care about our wrestlers, our fans, and value friendship and fighting for the underdog. We've had fate, bad luck, and underhanded tactics try to keep us down before; and we're still standing - and we'll continue to stand tall like before. We appreciate your support, hell, we appreciate YOU!

You'll hear from us soon! We're PTW....We're Luton born, bred, and proud....and We're Loud!
