DVD Review: "YOU SHOOT" With Jamie Dundee From Kayfabe Commentaries
Courtesy of Main Event Radio's Steve “Rockamaniac” Wilson:
Kayfabe Commentaries’ You Shoot series has been highly praised by not only myself, but by many of those in the wrestling media, as well as the fans who have flocked to the series in droves. Coming off of two insane editions with the likes of Missy Hyatt and The Sandman, the KC team was faced with a big challenge…Find someone who could possibly top them, so in true You Shoot fashion, they turned the booking sheets over to their fans and asked who they wanted to shoot with. The message was apparently loud and clear as PG-13 member, one time star of the WCW, WWE, and ECW, and “semi-main eventer of Wrestlemania 13” Jamie Dundee, was brought in, sat down, and left to the mercy of his fans who leave almost no shell unturned in the latest 2 hour edition of the You Shoot series.
According to the DVD’s back cover, Dundee garnered the most participation reaction to date, Those fan’s submissions don’t disappoint and covers a very broad range of topics, and if there is one thing Jamie delivers on, it’s the agreement to truly answer everything that is asked. In previous editions, the same pledge was made but occasionally you’d find a question or topic that the subject would kind of skate over, not with Dundee. Prime example, a individual named “Paul The Rapist” asks him about Jerry Lawler’s supposed love for younger woman, and whether or not he ever shared some of them with Dundee, Jamie laughs, wants to skate over it, but instead says he had not indulged, and shares a story about being in a car with the Road Dogg “BG James” and Jerry Lawler that can either have you on the floor in stitches or sitting in silence with your chin on the floor in shock.
Tons of other great stories are shared by Dundee over the course of the DVD, including who he dropped the “I was on the semi main event of Wrestlemania… Bitch!” line on in the ECW lockeroom, his absolutely unbelievable pay off for that appearance, why John Cena as nothing more than a Jamie Dundee copycat and a intense rant on the internet smarks who write incorrect stuff about him on Wikipedia.
You also get a special appearance via phone line from Jamie’s father Bill Dundee, who is the subject of many questions during the course of the shoot. Jamie noticeably puts a lot of effort into reacting to the fans, as he seems genuinely honored that so many fans stepped up and not only suggested him for the DVD but also sent in such a high volume of questions, so as a special treat for all of them he shoots off on them, more so than any other participant in the series thus far, He also shows his friendly side, kissing host Sean Oliver at least 10 times over a two hour period.
To be honest, when I heard Dundee had been chosen for You Shoot, I thought it would be ok, but pale in comparison to those in the 3 previous editions, and while it barely falls short compared to that of The Sandman, the best wrestling shoot DVD series out there today has another hit on their hands with Jamie Dundee in the hot seat so pick up a copy and see for yourself just how crazy a You Shoot DVD can get.
You Shoot with Jamie Dundee is now available on DVD from Kayfabe Commentaries. For more information or to order your own copy head on over to Kayfabecommentaries.com