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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Funk's Corner - Terry Funk Says, “Don’t Point The Finger At Me For Starting That G*&%amn, Fat-ass Dusty Rhodes

Courtesy of Dory Funk Jr.:

The September Issue of WWE Magazine is now on sale at news stands everywhere.

A four page spread beginning on page 56 titled, "Wrestling U.," (Interview with Dory Funk by John Mihaly) looks at the list of professional wrestlers who call West Texas State University their Alma Mater. (Now West Texas A&M) The list includes:

Dory Funk Jr. - NWA World Champion 4 & 1/2 years
Terry Funk - NWA World Champion
Stan Hanson - AWA World Champion
Dusty Rhodes - NWA World Champion
Bobby Duncum - AWA World Tag Team Champion
Ted Dibiase - Million Dollar Man
Kelley Kiniski - WCCW Television Champion
Black Jack Mulligan - WWE Hall of Fame
Bruiser Brody - World Class Championship Wrestling Champion
Manny Fernandez - NWA World Tag Team Champion
Barry Windham - U.S. Champion
Tito Santana - WWE Hall of Fame / Intercontinental Champion
Tully Blanchard - Tully Blanchard - U.S. Champion
*Dick Murdoch - Captain Redneck / Honorary Buffalo

"There is one famous wrestler who is synonymous with WT and their football program but can't be found in the registrar's office, "Captain Redneck, Dick Murdoch is considered an alumnus of WT even though he never went to the university." Dory Funk Jr. says. "it's an honorary degree. He loved West Texas football so much and was always down at the sidelines that people just assumed that he was a part of it. Dick actually played middle linebacker in the West Texas Alumni game. The people that were there at the time had no idea that he never actually attended WT. He was cited for unnecessary roughness against these college kids."

Credit is given to the influence of the Funk family, Dory Funk Sr., Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. in professional wrestling and athletics in the West Texas Area for the entrance of so many into the wrestling business.

In regard to who was responsible for all of these wrestlers coming into the wrestling business, Terry Funk says, “Don’t point the finger at me for starting that g*&%amn, fat-ass Dusty Rhodes. Don't point the finger at me for bringing all those goofy people in there."

Pick up the September Issue (Now on sale everywhere) of WWE Magazine and read the complete story including photos of the athletes in their playing days with West Texas State University.
