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Thank You, Axl Rotten (And R.I.P.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Benefit Nov. 7th And Wacky YouTube Video Of Mark Danger's Training

Courtesy of David Wills:

Pseudo Wrestling Blogger of the Danger Daily News, Co host of the Dave and Danger show, and Permanent annoyance of Dave Wills, Livin Icon Mark Danger wrestles his first match.. er, embarrasses himself in his first match in Trion, GA on Friday Night at the OCWA Building, 14558 Hwy 27, Trion, GA.

Here are his training videos so far....

and you thought TNA and WWE developmental was bad!!!!

The Gym videos & final Training videos will be posted Thursday Night/Friday Morning. We will see how much the ICON gets stretched on Friday night.

Videos are wacky stuff, all for a good cause to benefit the Wilbanks Family.

Note from Ric: Fun is fun, but if Danger gets hurt, I may be forced to do something drastic (lol)!