USA Network Statement Re: WWE Monday Night RAW
-- USA Network
NEW YORK, June 18 -- "USA Network and WWE issued a press release on June 16 that referred to Monday Night RAW's storyline of a 'sale' of WWE's RAW to Donald Trump. We intended the release to be promotional for that ongoing story arc on the series. There is no such actual 'sale.' We apologize for any confusion."
Note from Ric: Most people will get all pretentious and explain how wrestling is "fake" and not meant to be taken seriously, and/or feel the need to explain how superior they are because they knew this was a "wrestling angle." I, on the other hand, don't see how the original release differs from countless others (including those from "real" sports and "more-worthy" forms of entertainment), in that, were it anything more than made-for-television or made-to-be-entertainment purposes, it would've included far more on behind-the-scenes specifics. To me, this "amendment" is nothing more than a waste of time.