Pro Wrestling Fusion 8/1/09 Results From Temple Terrace, FL
Source: Alan J. Wojcik:
(1) Nick Primo defeated Johnny Vandal.
(2) Big Joe Bucks defeated Azul.
(3) "Iceman" Buck Quartermaine defeated Prince Iaukea.
(4) The Shane Twins defeated Bobby Buthol, Michael Patrick & Mickey McCoy.
(5) In a grudge match, Francisco Ciatso (w/Double Deuce Social Club members Amy Vitale & Pete Cannon) defeated CJ O’Doyle.
(6) In a Florida dream match, Billy Fives defeated "Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews.
(7) The Sheik won the PWF Florida Heavyweight championship when he defeated Steve Madison.
(8) "Freedom Ryder" Mike Sullivan defeated Pepe Joe Johnson.
On Saturday August 1, 2009 Pro Wrestling Fusion made its Tampa area debut holding a charity event at the Temple Terrace Recreation Center. The proceeds will benefit the Temple Terrace Wildcats. All matches were under the advisory of the National Wrestling Alliance. Former NY Yankee & Tamp Bay Rays star Tino Martinez and Florida wrestling legend Brian Blair were among the 700 plus in attendance.
(1) Nick Primo defeated Johnny Vandal.
Both men went through a feeling out stage before Vandal slapped Primo in the face. All that did was anger Primo who hit Vandal with a suplex for two. Primo followed with chest chops and another suplex for two. His third suplex was blocked and Vandal countered into a gutbuster like move. Vandal took over with shots to the upper body before locking in an abdominal stretch. Primo refused to submit and escaped with a hip toss but Primo got leveled with a knee to the gut. Vandal kept the pressure on but Primo got a second wind and somehow avoided Vandal’s top rope knee drop and won with a Northern Lights Suplex.
Before the next match, the legendary "Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews made his way to the ring. Andrews was reminded why he hates Temple Terrace, calling it the armpit of Florida. He brought up the retirement match four years ago that was supposed to end the careers of Mike Sullivan, Billy Fives and himself. Andrews said neither man stayed retired so tonight he would rejoin them for one night. Andrews said he never got Fives’ shoulders to the mat and tonight that was going to change.
(2) Big Joe Bucks defeated Azul.
Bucks came out to a thunderous applause and went right on the attack, using his size to toss Azul all over the ring. Azul did his best to fight back with chest chops and a dropkick which slowed Bucks down briefly. But a corner splash met Bucks boot and Bucks followed with a spear which got the three count.
(3) "Iceman" Buck Quartermaine defeated Prince Iaukea.
The former WCW Cruiserweight champion was welcomed with a "Let’s Go Princess" chant which did not meet to his approval and he refused to lock up with Quartermaine until it stopped. "The Iceman" didn’t care as he took Iaukea down with a side headlock which was countered into a hammerlock. Quatermaine fought out and after using some momentum he sent Iaukea crashing to the ringside floor. Iaukea came back to the ring to make peace but all he got was several punches to the jaw and a clothesline which sent him back to the floor nearly taking out the front row. Quartermaine went after him and that backfired as Iaukea kicked him in the gut and slammed his face into the ring apron. Iaukea fired Quartermaine back in the ring and went on the attack with shots to the mid section. It looked over for Quartermaine when Iaukea hit a top rope splash but he didn’t go for the pin. He regretted that as Quartermaine fought back with punches and the Buck Shuffle for two. Iaukea tried to fight it off but Quartermaine won the match with a spinning sitout pedigree.
Bobby Buthol made his way to the ringside area, snatching the mic from Shannon Rose. He told the fans his manager Big Daddy JoJo bought him the best tag team money could buy to represent them. So he introduced Michael Patrick and Mickey McCoy before issuing an open challenge which was answered by the Shane Twins!!!
(4) The Shane Twins defeated Bobby Buthol, Michael Patrick & Mickey McCoy.
After a pre-bell brawl Buthol and his team isolated Todd Shane and made several quick legal and illegal tags. Todd fought off defeat several times and finally tagged in Mike who took on all his opponents, even Buthol who had avoided in ring contact the whole bout. His evening didn’t last long as the Shane’s hit a double team chokeslam which shook the ring and nearly Buthol out of his boots to get the victory.
(5) In a grudge match, Francisco Ciatso (w/Double Deuce Social Club members Amy Vitale & Pete Cannon) defeated CJ O’Doyle.
O’Doyle went on the offense but any move he hit Ciatso with was followed by the DDSC claiming O’Doyle cheated to achieve the advantage. Despite the match being in his favor, O’Doyle took his focus off Ciatso and a distraction from Ms. Vitale led to Ciatso hitting a shot from behind. Ciatso locked in a rear chinlock but O’Doyle fought to his feet, only to be hit in the gut with a knee. Ciatso went back to the chinlock as the crowd got behind O’Doyle. Ciatso let the hold go and went up to the second rope hitting only the ring as O’Doyle was nowhere to be found. That was until he hit Ciatso with several clotheslines and ten punches in the corner. Just when it looked dark for Ciatso he avoided a O’Doyle spear which met the ring post. Despite this Ciatso put both feet on the ropes to pin O’Doyle.
(6) In a Florida dream match, Billy Fives defeated "Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews.
At the opening bell Fives welcomed Andrews back to the ring with a stiff kick to the hamstring. After shaking it off the two men traded mat moves, that was until Andrews laid in the chest chops which Fives returned in kind. Fives slowed Andrews down with a dropkick to the head but Andrews had enough sense to duck and he sent Fives crashing to the floor. Fives got back to the ring only to be hit with a knee to the face and a second rope legdrop. Fives fought Andrews off but got decked with a clothesline for two. Andrews hit another dropkick for two and argued with the referee over the speed of his count. This gave Fives some time to recover but he was hit with a inverted power bomb for two. Fives fought off several punches and hit a suplex which mace both men fight to their feet but Andrews hit the Forces of Nature but Fives’ foot was under the ropes. Fives countered back with a DDT but Andrews stopped the referee’s arm from hitting the mat. Fives went to celebrate and it allowed Andrews to hit a crotch shot. But when Andrews went for the Forces once again, Fives countered into an armbar submission that caused Andrews to tap out.
(7) The Sheik won the PWF Florida Heavyweight championship when he defeated Steve Madison.
Before the match began, Madison had to wait for the former champion to pray to Allah for a title victory. The Sheik didn’t wait for Madison to say hi to the fans as he attacked him from behind. This backfired as Madison took the fight to the Sheik on the floor sending him into the ring post. When the action came back in the ring it was the Sheik who went into the bag of dirty tricks using his wrist tape to choke the champion. Madison went for a dropkick but Sheik held the ropes to avoid the move. As the referee went to check on Madison, the Sheik pulled out his dreaded spike but Madison saw it and got it from him but the referee stopped him. So Sheik grabbed the title belt to level Madison but the referee stopped that too. But he didn’t see the Sheik throw fire at Madison, but Madison did as he avoided it. As the referee tried to figure out where the smoke in the ring came from, the Sheik hit a blow which got him the championship once more. As the Sheik celebrated Madison accused the referee of being on the payroll of the new champion. The referee pleaded his case but Madison didn’t believe him so he hit him with a piledriver.
(8) "Freedom Ryder" Mike Sullivan defeated Pepe Joe Johnson.
This was scheduled to be the Ryder vs. Pepe Prado. Before the match Big Joe Bucks came out laying out a challenge. He said he had the money that is supposed go towards the charity was in his hands. He said for the money to get in the hands of the Temple Terrace Wildcats someone had to win the Joe Bucks challenge. He said he had trouble finding Prado, so he brought to the fans alligator wrestling champion Pepe Joe Johnson. Sullivan didn’t seem amused by the pre-match shenanigans as he was ready to wrestle. Prado…I mean Johnson was also ready as he hit Sullivan with a shoulder block into a side headlock takedown. Sullivan fought back with a series of armdrags which went Johnson to the floor for a confab with Bucks. When he came back in, Johnson was hit with chest chops that he returned as punches and a choke. Sullivan recovered as he hit a standing suplex for two. Sullivan missed a corner splash and he was decked by a Johnson right hand that sent Sullivan to the floor. Bucks was waiting on the floor with open arms, more like punches to the face. He tossed Sullivan back into the ring where Johnson was waiting to attack with forearm shots to the back. Bucks kept himself busy at ringside taking any chance he could to choke Sullivan when he got near the ropes. Johnson got frustrated with what he felt was a slow count. Sullivan used this time to hit him with a cross body block for two and a sunset flip also for two. Prado fought back with a DDT but neither man could get to their feet for several seconds. They beat the ten count and Johnson locked in a sleeper hold. Sullivan was close to tapping out but he kept his arm up on the third drop by the referee. He had enough left to get Johnson in a sleeper but he was countered into a back suplex. Johnson decided it was the right time and went up top but Sullivan met him and they came off in a superplex. Both men fought to their feet once more beating the referee’s count. Sullivan was the aggressor with punches and clothesline before going up himself. But Johnson was waiting and pushed the referee in the way. As the referee laid knocked down, Johnson came on the ring apron to deck Sullivan with the brief case but Sullivan reversed it and Johnson met the case. Sullivan went up top and came off with a shoulder block that got him the win. Frustrated by the loss Johnson took it out on Big Joe Bucks.
After the matches Steve Madison and Buck Quartermaine came out to thank the Temple Terrace crowd for supporting Wrestling For A Cause and the Wildcats.
Pro Wrestling Fusion heads to Daytona Beach on August 22nd for an event headlined by the debut of TNA Superstar Awesome Kong and the Sheik’s first title defense against 2 Cold Scorpio. Before posting this report Francisco Ciatso cornered me wanting me to let everyone know he was pissed off that his PWF Florida Heavyweight title match already signed for the 22nd was going to Scorpio. He said the Double Deuce Social Club lawyers would be contacting the Fusion offices ASAP. For all the info log onto