Funk's Corner - Celebrate New Year's Eve At The Funking Conservatory Wrestling School
Source - Dory Funk Jr.:
Arrive Tuesday December 29th. Check in at the Hotel.
Train three sessions with Dory Funk Jr., Coach of the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School and Trainer of WWE Developmental Talent.
Appear on !BANG! TV New Years Eve Special "Support Your Troops 47 "Hell's Bells." All Matches Inside a Steel Cage.
Attend the Wrestlers New Year's Eve Wrestler's Party after the show.
Depart Friday January 1st.
All Accommodations Included 1400
Call now 352-895-4658 for information on this program and upcoming programs at the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School.
Visit the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School -
Support Your Troops 47, "Hell's Bells"
Thursday December 31st in Ocala, Florida at the Funking Conservatory Sound Stage - Showtime 7pm doors open at 6:30. Tickets in advance 10, the day of the show, 15.
All Matches Inside a Steel Cage
Featuring the "Mouth of the South"
Jimmy Hart
Main Event for the Women's Championship
Women's Gauntlet Match Inside a Steel Cage - Rachael Moore (Champion) Claudia "The Claw" Reiff, Melissa Coates, Sar-Ah and "Rain"
Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum
Managed by Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart
Hack Meyers and Shane Chung
Tag Team Championship Match
"The Cold Front" Christian Norskog and Jordan Vinson
Damien Steele and Mystery Partner???
World Title Match
Shane Chung (Champion) vs Blain Rage
Also Appearing:
Karl "Mad Dog" Madetzke, Luke Spencer, Johnny Romano
Walter "Killer" Roberts
One night tournament for the Tag Team Championship
Tickets are Available at Pardee Moving and Self Storage
For Ticket Information, Call 352-895-4658 or visit