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Sunday, January 10, 2010

!BANG! TV Report - New Video Series, "The Pencil" Plus New Year's Eve's "Hell's Bells" Now On !BANG! TV

Source - Dory Funk Jr.:

Historically, the Creative Writer or Booker was called, "The Pencil."

The "Pencil" was a powerful position as the "Pencil" had creative control and direct communication with the wrestling talent.

New on !BANG! TV at http://www.dory-funk.com, "The Pencil" with Dory Funk Jr. as "The Pencil."

Episodes include:
"The Pencil" Cools Down "The Claw" and Rachael Moore
"The Pencil" Speaks With Killer Roberts
"The Pencil Encourages Damien Steele
"The Pencil" Incurs Bad Behavior from the Cold Front

Also new on !BANG! TV Wrestling Matches from New Year's Eve, Support Your Troops 47, "Hell's Bells."

Next !BANG! TV Taping Saturday January 23rd,, Support Your Troops 48, "Genesis."

5 Main Events

United States Championship Match
Johnny Magnum (Champion) vs Damien Steele

Pro-Wrestling vs MMA Fighter
Blain Rage vs Luke Spencer

Women's Championship Match
Claudia "The Claw" Reiff (Champion)
The Wasilla Wrecker, Rachael Moore

European Championship Match
ECW's Hack Meyers vs Walter "Killer" Roberts
Dory Funk Jr. in "Killer" Roberts' Corner

# 1 Contender's Match
The Cold Front
Christian Norskog vs Jordan Vinson

For ticket information and training schedules for the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School, Call 352-895-4658 or visit http://www.dory-funk.com.

Dory Funk Jr. is the Coach of the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School and Trainer of WWE Wrestling Talent.