My Two-Cents - Ronda Rousey and Arianny Celeste
(Hat-tip: Marissa Payne's 'Early Lead' and The Washington Post)
It's amazing how Ronda Rousey is considered to be so "brash" and "outspoken," yet her words tend only to be directed at the sport's bit players, never at those who sign her paychecks.
Rousey believes that fighters are underpaid and ring-card girls are overpaid, which is her right.
Speaking of ring-card girls, Arianny Celeste (who also has a right to her opinion) thinks that Rousey is something of a bully.
Rousey clearly has little respect for Celeste (who seems to be a favorite target of Rousey's) or her work, but I can't help but wonder, when it comes to those who employ Celeste and Rousey, where is that same venom?
After all, if Celeste weren't working for the UFC, she wouldn't even have a job for Rousey to be unimpressed by.
Last week, Rousey was praised for taking a "momma's basement blogger" to task for what she perceived to be their slight on women's mixed-martial-arts.
His comments were nothing when compared to what Dana White has publicly said about female mixed-martial-artists and their abilities, but that was before Rousey was signed by the UFC and made the face of their distaff division, so all appears to be forgiven.
Funny how that works, isn't it?