Review Of Vince Russo's Attitude With Terri Runnels
Bro “the man” is back with another edition of his Kayfabe Commentaries series where he spews about how great he was as the sole writer of the Attitude Era in World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment. It is Vince Russo and his Attitude talking with the former Marlena AKA Terri Runnels who managed her now ex-husband Goldust AKA Dustin Runnels in the promotion. Since the first release in the series with Ken Shamrock, Russo has been fired by his podcasting network for being a douchebag, been featured on Something Else to Wrestle with former guest Bruce Prichard on WWE Network and I re-read both of his books, most likely sold on his website and Amazon. So this is interesting to watch indeed especially when Runnels brings out her dog Mozart.
Surprisingly Russo admits Vince McMahon had the idea for Goldust but nothing more than a “Hollywood Golden Era” persona. McMahon also had the idea for Marlena but didn’t have someone to play it. Runnels shares how she created the overall look including fighting with cigar/cigarette phobic McMahon about taking one to ringside. They bring up how Marlena was involved in the debut of Chyna in WWE, an unannounced visit to the Academy Awards, being on the road with Dustin and Dakota (their daughter), issues from WWE TV sponsors in reaction to the slight homophobic tendencies of the character plus issues with Sable (Rena Mero/Lesnar) and Sunny (Tammy Sytch). She also discusses Dustin’s battle with substance abuse (thankfully he has somewhat conquered them), working with Ultimate Warrior, Roddy Piper (Goldust’ WrestleMania 12 opponent), Val Venis, the PMS angle with Jacqueline and the late Brian Pillman (who dated Terri before she married Dustin). Runnels does give great detail into her relationship with Pillman and the angle where she was under his control.
Only because of my loyalty to the Kayfabe Commentaries product and Sean Oliver did I review this DVD. This is a car crash from the moment you push play. There is hardly any format kept to by Russo especially when we are subjected to a story of Runnels getting a piercing in a place I really didn’t want to know about. Some of this was brand new to me because during the Attitude Era I watched more of WCW than WWE.
The site lists upcoming releases as YouShoot with “Wildfire” Tommy Rich May 29) and Supercard with “Hacksaw” Butch Reed (June.) There will also be YouShoot episodes with Justin Credible and Mikey Whipwreck released in the summer. For information on Alan Wojcik’s wrestling coverage, check out
SOURCE: Alan Wojcik