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Thank You, Axl Rotten (And R.I.P.)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Courtesy of Karyn Glubis:

November 26, 2008

Tampa, FL – Without the press present and no big build up or hoopla, Big Vito (Vito LoGrasso) won his first Mixed Martial Arts fight in the Dominican Republic. The fight went 3 rounds with Vito winning on a decision.

“The Wrestling Business has been on a down slide, so I finally decided to get off the couch and do it!” Said Vito, “It was a huge learning experience! MMA is no joke. It is to be taken seriously and is not something for the average person with no experience to do. It takes a lot of commitment and training.”

The whole event had little glitz and glamour and not a lot of people present. Vito had been discussing doing the transition for over a year but continues to wrestle with Independents and Nu Wrestling Evolution in Europe.

“You have to have heart, determination and skills,” said Vito. “I am happy to know that if I wanted to do this on a full time basis, I could be successful.” It says a lot for The Toughest Man to Ever Wear a Dress.

Big Vito does not have the Amateur Wrestling status that most do who switch fields but he survived his first fight. He returned to the US with a couple black eyes and bruised ribs.

For more information or to book Big Vito please contact vitobookings@yahoo.com.

About Big Vito:

Vito LoGrasso (Big Vito) is a professional wrestler best known for his prior work as “The Toughest Man to Ever Wear a Dress” for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and as Big Vito for World Championship Wreslting (WCW). He has also wrestled under the persona of Skull Von Krush and for other companies including ECW and TNA. Vito currently wrestles with Nu Wrestling Evolution (NWE) in Europe.