Top 10 MMA Pro Female Fighter Elaina Maxwell, A Student Of Cung Le And Randy Couture, Calls Out Strikeforce Champion, Cris Cyborg
Source - Elite Broadcast Media:
In a highly anticipated and probably the most important fight in the history of women's MMA, Cris Cyborg registered a brutal 4:59, first-round TKO (punches) over Gina Carano before a raucous 13,524 at HP Pavilion, per Strike Force's home website. Elite Broadcast Media ask, why in the world would anyone want to fight Cris Cyborg? As a student of Cung Le, Randy Couture, and Robert Drysdale and current top ten world class woman's MMA fighter, Elaina Maxwell thinks its time to battle Cyborg. ProFightNetwork and Elite Broadcast Media, pioneers and experts in the MMA/Boxing world, justify why this makes sense.
San Diego, CA, August 20, 2009 -- Cyborg, a Strikeforce phenom, beats a crowd favorite in Gina Carano in complete dominance, yet Elaina Maxwell is not impressed. In fact, when Elite Broadcast Media interviewed Elaina, she told us this, "I saw many holes in Cyborg's standup, and if she fights me, she will get knocked out." Elaina has over 24 titles and championships in the fighting world, trains with the best in the world, and feels it is her time to end the hype, and start a new one. Elaina, goes on to say, "I have much respect for Gina and Cris. It is not about them, it's about me. To be honest, I am sick of only training with the best, I want to fight the best."
Cyborg has proved to the world that she is at a very high level in woman's MMA, however many people in the MMA world say she hasn't been tested entirely. We asked MMA expert Chris Greenman, who is Maxwell's official manager and President of ProFightNetwork Incorporated (, his thoughts. Greenman stated, "Gina Carano is the hottest thing in woman's MMA, literally from every aspect. She is a decent fighter, so she was poised to rise to the top fast, I wouldnt want to fight Cyborg, so no respect lost for Carano."
Greenman went on to say, "most fans probably enjoyed the fight more than many pro men's MMA fights, but in actuality, Gina is the Tito Ortiz of woman's MMA. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, but people love Gina much like Tito. They are both poster material, great self promoters, smart business people, but in reality average fighters. Tito avoided fighting Chuck Liddell for as long as he could, until he had no choice. I would sit with Chuck and hear him bitch about it for three years almost. Tito knew Chuck would beat him because they trained together, much like I believe Gina knew Cyborg would beat her, but it was a fight that needed to happen. In either case, the outcome really didn't mean much to her. Gina can still market herself and she will be successful just like Tito Ortiz. Elaina Maxwell, eats, sleeps, drinks, trains and dreams fighting, and it just so happens that she is sexy too. Elaina is a mix between model Gina Carano and Cyborg the woman destroyer."
The fight community has learned much about Elaina, her MySpace profile states she started martial arts in somewhat of a strange way because she initially used kickboxing as an off-season workout for volleyball and track and field when it was the latest fad in workout trends. She fell in love with the contact, intensity, and competition of San Shou, which is Chinese Kickboxing. While finishing off her volleyball career and pursuing her educational goals at San Jose State University, Elaina made the USH! Fight Team in March of 1998. She began to grow as a martial artist from there under Cung Le's guidance.
During the past twelve years, Elaina has become one of the pioneers of San Shou and MMA, making history over and over again. Moving to Las Vegas in 2008, Elaina chose to move toward a whole new level of competition in the fight capital of the world, which houses the UFC, the WEC, Xtreme Couture, TapouT's new mega gym, and a who is who of fighters and gyms. Ranked in the WAMMA Top 10 for her weight division, Elaina is now training out of Xtreme Couture, Warrior Gym, Robert Drysdale BJJ, and working diligently with The Institute of Sports Performance of Las Vegas. Elaina is seen all over YouTube with numerous training videos on ProFightNetwork, a radio analyst and co-host expressing expert opinions, and is always in good company such as Kim Couture, Robert Drysdale, Chris Greenman, Gina Carano, Randy Couture, Kevin Randleman, and the list goes on.
Elaina feels she is twice the fighter as she was two years ago, and that is scary if you're a woman MMA fighter. ProFightNetwork told us it's almost impossible to get Elaina a fight because no one wants to fight her, and by her pedigree it makes sense to Elite Broadcast Media.
Elite Broadcast Media spoke to ProFightNetwork Incorporated's Treasurer, and Public Relations expert, Steve Haase, he told Elite Braodcast Media "I have been helping Chris try to get Elaina fights, it's like pulling teeth. Promoters seem to all share the same response in that they aren't ready for her caliber and don't want their fighter to get hurt. Some have even said she is too nice and non-controversial, is that a bad thing? ProFightNetwork had a promoter from an Indian reservation that houses MMA and Boxing fights in central California tell us she doesn't show off her looks or body enough, wow I thought our society was past that."
Haase says, "It's simple, Elaina trains with professional men fighters who are very good, and does this on a daily basis. However, when the gloves come off and the dress goes on she is very much a woman. I think it is sad how some of the public and even promoters view woman fighters. Elaina is a class act and very loyal, and she is the real deal, best of all she wants to fight. Being part of the co-managemnt team recently formed, ProFightNetwork is are not asking for a gift, but merely asking to fight one of the toughest women on the planet, being Cris Cyborg. It is Elaina's time to shine. Strike Force President Scott Coker, if you read this, call me personally to set this much needed fight up, and give the fans what they deserve and more of what Strike Forceyou has already been delivering."
Elite Broadcast Media feels this is a match made in heaven and found it exciting to have a pro female MMA fighter call out the most feared female MMA athlete on this planet. The world's toughest woman by consensus (even Elite Broadcast Media and the staff at ProFightNetwork), against a proven pro fighter who is yearning to step in the cage right now with this phenom in Cyborg. The pedigrees of both fighters are impressive, their coaches are respected world wide, and maybe Randy Couture while cornering Carano, learned some things in this fight that might help his student do what his other student couldn't, finish Cyborg. With two former champions in Couture and Le that have helped mold this female MMA fighter, the world is waiting.