!BANG! TV Report - Funking Conservatory Webisode - Blue Ribbon Award Presentation
Source - Dory Funk Jr.:
During Dory Funk Jr.'s presentation of the !BANG! TV Blue Ribbon Award for Outstanding Performance in a Webisode to accepting athletes, "The Claw," Claudia Reiff and "The Wasilla Wrecking Crew," Rachael Moore and Charlotte Mahoy all are rudely interrupted by Funking Conservatory World Champion, Shane Chung who snatches the microphone from Funk's hand.
In a rare expression of temper, Coach Funk orders Shane Chung off the set.
Jumbo Elvis Sharp, who has been observing this conflagration from the sidelines assumes this is all a "work" and accuses The Claw and the Wasilla Wrecking Crew of "Fraternization" and trying to "Kay Fabe" him.
Jumbo Elvis' interruption of the Blue Ribbon Presentation fans the fire of emotion in three ladies who are not the kind to mess with resulting in a physical attack on Jumbo Elvis, the big man from Memphis, Texas.
All this and much more is now on !BANG! TV at http://www.dory-funk.com.
The next !BANG! TV Taping to the Funking Conservatory Saturday October 17, Support Your Troops 45, "Morbid Power" will be headlined by a Five Girl Battle Royal.
Ticket prices are $10 purchased in advance and $15 at the door. Tickets to Support Your Troops 45, "Morbid Power" are now available online at http://www.dory-funk.com or you can also pick up advance tickets at Pardee Moving and Self Storage in Ocala, Florida.
All five girls featured in the main event can be seen in action on !BANG! TV's outrageous Webisode - Femme Fatales Gone Wild and in a photo special (Beautiful Women of !BANG! TV) on our website at http://www.dory-funk.com.
Also appearing Saturday October 17 on Support Your Troops 45, "Morbid Power" will be Dory Funk Jr., Johnny Magnum, Shane Chung, Blain Rage, Hack Meyers, Walter "Killer" Roberts, Jumbo Elvis Sharp, Damien Steele, Johnny Romano the Frenchman, Monsieur Richard Bourgeois and more.
If you would like to become a professional wrestler and be trained by Dory Funk Jr., call now 352-895-4658 or visit http://www.dory-funk.com.