Courtesy of Main Event Radio's Steve “Rockamaniac” Wilson:
Best Shoot Interview Ever. As you should be well aware by now, You Shoot has taken the traditional shoot interview to new levels, and when I sat down to write this review, I felt like I was becoming a broken record, as my 2 previous You Shoot DVD reviews were very complimentary. The Honky Tonk Man set the bar high with his over the top comments, Missy Hyatt somehow topped him with her unique blend of craziness, and now The Sandman has blown them all out of the water so forgive me as I mark out a bit for the 2 hours and 20 minutes of Hak Insanity.
The Sandman tells us right off the bat that he will try to be the next Rush Limbaugh, and takes time during the shoot to talk 9/11 conspiracy theories, the status of economy in the US right now and how to not pay your IRS bills, and I know your probably saying what the hell? Isn’t this The Sandman from ECW and WWE? The guy who gets drunk and smacks people upside the head with a cane? , Why would he be touching on such topics? Well believe it or not some people in this world wanted to hear him speak on that, and they were geniuses because his drunken rants not only make odd sense but top off what is another unique installment of this DVD series. Beyond that As you can also expect Hak does touch on all the subjects your used to as well. From the original ECW, to his time in the WWE, and all the sex drugs and rock n roll in between.
Sandman is in fine form to say the least as the beer cans pile up through the piece and he surprisingly opens up and becomes rather candid at times, nearly bringing himself to tears as he recounts the time his 7 year old son saw the incident where Hak got naked during an ECW show in Pensacola, Florida, calling it the lowest point of his career, not the incident itself, but living with it years later when his son got to see it on DVD. This is just one of many skeletons in The Sandman’s closet that he eludes to during this DVD, and although its hilarious and entertaining, it also provides another look in at the life of the sandman, and gives you at least a peak at why he has soured on the business a bit over the last year or so.
As always the supporting stars of You Shoot DVD’s are the fans who take the time to email and videotape questions for the shoot, and once again we don’t get let down, Whether it be a old man named madness cutting a promo on the sandman, or a topless drunk guy asking Sandman which of his valets he has had sexual encounters with, and which orifi he penetrated. You get it all, plus the game feature of the you shoot series, which was introduced in the last volume with Missy Hyatt as Sandman plays “The Ho-Bag”, where he is to rate chicks in the business from 1 to 10, 1 being in the ho bag, but somewho that turned into ripping into Ariel, and rating girls with “tottaly cool“ , “thumbs up” and “who’s that “, again he’s rather buzzed filming this. Sandman also plays “Whats in the bag” – A “substance” related game, and not surprisingly a lot of his stuff is in the bag.
Leading up to the release of the DVD, the guys at Kayfabe Commentaries warned fans that for the first time in the you shoot series they were forced to edit some content out for the sake of time and although that may upset some who got left out, I think the run time and editing worked out perfectly, and as this series continues to grow in popularity, it’s only gonna get harder for the editing team to deal with what to use and not to use, luckily for the fans of these DVD’s, the editing team really knows what their doing and continue to put out great products.
To put a final word on this, Sandman is brutally honest throughout this DVD, he holds no punches, revealing his hatred for Jeff Jarrett, touching on Tod Gordon’s fetishes that exist to this day, and all the hilarious drug stories along the way, making this an absolute must watch!
You Shoot with The Sandman is now available on DVD from Kayfabe Commentaries. For more information or to order your own copy head on over to Kayfabecommentaries.com and to read my previous DVD reviews check out maineventradio.com/reviews.htm
Note from Ric: Shoot interviews almost never interest me, but, in this case, I might have to make an exception.